ARABPLAST 2025Products & Services Successfull Plastics Recycling

Successfull Plastics Recycling

Coperion GmbH

Coperion designs complete recycling systems for a wide range of applcations, from chemical recycling to PET recycling, film recycling and upcycling. We ensure the smooth interaction of all process steps which include material handling, feeding, twin screw extrusion, pellet treatment (cooling, drying, homogenization) and finished product handling. Our plants provide maximum productivity and efficiency.

Further reading

Coperion & Herbold Meckesheim - Our technologies play a key role in the global manufacture of high-quality plastic recyclates

Coperion & Herbold Meckesheim - Our technologies play a key role in the global manufacture of high-quality plastic recyclates

PET Recycling - Bottle-to-Fiber - First-Class Technology for the Recycling of PET Flakes

Deodorization in Plastics Recycling: An End to Unpleasant Odors

Improving the Odor of Post-Consumer Plastic Recyclates - Using the mobile deodorizing unit, specific odor reduction potential can be tested at your location on freshly produced product under actual production conditions.

Multi-Layer Film Recycling - Closed-Loop Solution for Recycling of Multi-Layer Film Production Waste

PET Recycling - First-Class Technology for the Bottle-to-Bottle, Bottle-to-Fiber and Bottle-to-Film Process

Chemical Recycling of Mixed Plastic Waste - First-Class Technology for Chemical Plastic Recycling

Recycling: Upcycling of Plastic Waste - Upcycling Makes Plastic Waste the Raw Material of the Future

ZSK FilCo Filtration Compounder - The ZSK FilCo filtration compounder markedly simplifies recycling of post-consumer recyclate (PCR) and any highly contaminated polymer

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