ARABPLAST 2025Products & Services GRAVICOLOR 310/610


motan gmbh

The GRAVICOLOR 310 and 610 dose and mix up to eight different materials precisely and with maximum recipe accuracy thanks to the unique motan cone dosing system. The modular design and excellent engineering guarantee optimum performance, flexibility, and reliability of the units. This gravimetric batch dosing and mixing unit can be used for injection moulding, blow moulding and extrusion processes.

Further reading

GRAVICOLOR 310/610 - gravimetric dosing, absolutely true to the recipe and reproducible

GRAVICOLOR 310/610 - gravimetric dosing, absolutely true to the recipe and reproducible

GRAVInet GC-E control - validation enabled control for recording of process relevant parameters for complete documentation

GRAVICOLOR 310/610 - IntelliBlend, Highly accurate and consistent dosing for the correct recipe and low additive consumption

GRAVICOLOR 310/610 - all material contact parts are made of stainless steel, contamination free and easy to clean

GRAVICOLOR 310/610 - large viewing windows, visual control of the process

GRAVICOLOR 310/610 - modular design, high flexibility for customised solutions.

GRAVICOLOR 310/610 - fastest material changeovers and cleaning, higher efficiency because more time spent in production

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